On a Growth Tear, This Franchise Is Adding Franchisees in 'All the Right Places'

This article is by Entrepreneur Partner Studio Staff

This article is by Entrepreneur Partner Studio Staff

PuroClean is expanding fast and looking for franchise owners to lead teams to victory.Success for the future is not depended on the high-tech industry. There are many opportunities to work and start businesses outside of the tech industry. This story is one example.

When water, fire, mold, bio-hazard and other damaging conditions strike a property, PuroClean is there to help. To do so, the company is looking to expand its crew of franchisees—people who are dedicated to their community and ready to lead a team to greatness.

Founded in 1990 and franchising since 1991, PuroClean is an established brand with more than 280 units across the U.S. and Canada. The company is on a “growth tear” and is “aggressively on its way” to reaching 500 units in the next few years, according to PuroClean president and COO Steve White.

Don’t be afraid to take risks, start your own business.

Don’t be afraid to take risks, start your own business.

To accomplish this benchmark, PuroClean is looking to expand its footprint, particularly in the Midwest, New England and on the West Coast, White says. The initial investment to become a PuroClean franchisee ranges from $72,732 to $190,582, plus a $50,000 upfront franchise fee.

One thing about PuroClean: They want their franchisees to succeed. PuroClean franchise owners attend a three-week, intensive training program and receive on-site field training from a PuroClean regional director. After that, owners have access to continuing education training as well as 24/7 technical support.



The fastest-growing job in America is also one of the hardest.

Angelica Rios is a home health aide, she cares for the elderly, but who’s caring for her? Photographs by Adria Malcolm for Vox

Angelica Rios is a home health aide, she cares for the elderly, but who’s caring for her?
Photographs by Adria Malcolm for Vox

This story is by Alexia Fernández   

Angelica already works seven days a week as a home health aide, caring for an 89-year-old widow with dementia who lives alone. The $12.50 an hour Angelica earns isn’t enough, so she and her son rely on government assistance, such as food stamps and Medicaid.

Angelica drives a 2002 Ford Taurus (it has “stage 4 cancer,” she joked) along the dry, dusty foothills of the Sandia mountain range where she lives. Angelica turned right into a neighborhood of tidy beige houses with two-car garages —a world apart from where she lives and the cramped row house where she grew up in Philadelphia.

Her client was in a good mood, but that wouldn’t last long. Later, she would get cranky and yell at Angelica for not following her orders. She carefully wrote down each task she completed; “finished doing dishes, cleaned dog poop from backyard. Disinfected stovetop and sink,” she scribbled. The list went on for about half a page. Angelica keeps track of each chore she completes to help her stay organized, and for other caregivers and relatives to reference.

This is what it’s like to do one of the most in-demand jobs in the US, a job that has many names, depending on the state and tasks involved: Home caregiver. Personal care assistant. Home care worker. Home health aide. The title doesn’t matter; what’s important is that this is the future of work for millions of Americans.


According to the latest estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy is expected to create about 1.2 million new positions for home caregivers like Angelica by 2026 — a 41 percent increase from the 2.9 million personal care and home health aides working in 2016.

Aging baby boomers and expanded Medicaid coverage have led to the surge in the need for workers to care for the sick and elderly in their own homes. But these positions, which require minimal training and no college degree, are among the lowest-paid in the country.

There’s a lot of hype about the future of work. You may have heard dire warnings about robots taking jobs, or that work will be all digital. There’s a grain of truth in that thinking, but the reality is that the future of work will also include a lot of low-skilled, unglamorous service jobs, just like the one Angelica does. Only one industry is expected to grow faster and add more jobs to the US economy than home care work in the coming years: the renewable energy business.

Are Fatigued Workers a Hazard at Your Company?

By Emily Scace Jun 7, 2017 Health and Wellness

By Emily Scace Jun 7, 2017 Health and Wellness

With busy schedules and deadlines to meet, sleep is often the first thing to go. But all those late nights and early mornings add up, and sleep deprivation has consequences, including important implications for workplace safety. The National Safety Council (NSC) has chosen fighting fatigue as the Week 2 theme during National Safety Month with its “Recharge to Be in Charge” campaign.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a third of adults don’t get enough sleep. What’s enough sleep? The CDC says most adults need at least 7 hours per night. In the workplace, discussions about fatigue and sleep deprivation often center around shift workers. And it’s true that employees who frequently work night shifts or change shifts often are at higher risk of sleep disruption and all its consequences. But shift workers aren’t the only group that experiences elevated rates of sleep deprivation and fatigue.

Workers who work more than one job, those who work long hours or overtime, and those who work in harsh environmental conditions can also be at risk of fatigue, according to an article in the NSC’s Safety + Health magazine. A recent study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that workers in production occupations, healthcare support workers, healthcare practitioners and technicians, food preparation and service workers, and protective service employees such as police and firefighters were more likely to sleep fewer than 7 hours per day than all other major occupational groups.

Safety and health implications

Regularly falling short on sleep can have a wide range of health consequences, including higher risk for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and depression. In addition, feeling sleepy while operating dangerous equipment or driving a car is a major hazard not only because of the danger of falling asleep while doing so, but also because of the slower reaction times, increased risk of errors, and decreased cognitive ability that can result from fatigue.

Some safety-sensitive industries have regulations intended to mitigate these risks, notably the trucking industry, which must follow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) hours of service rules. But fatigue can be dangerous in almost any industry. Even workers who don’t perform safety-sensitive jobs need to commute to and from work, often by car, so all employers would be prudent to evaluate and address the risks of fatigue.

According to a 2012 article by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), employee alertness depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The work performed,

  • The timing of the shift relative to an individual’s circadian rhythm,

  • Whether the work environment is conducive to alertness or fatigue,

  • Whether there are measures in place to detect excess fatigue,

  • Whether employees get enough sleep during time off,

  • Whether employees have sleep environments conducive to high-quality sleep, and

  • Whether employees have medical or other issues that interfere with sleep.

Not all of these issues are under an employer’s control, notes the ACOEM, but many are. Factors such as lighting, temperature, and pace of work can all be adjusted to reduce the risk of sleepiness and increase alertness on the job.

Warehouses' Adding Tech-Like Amenities Is a Genius Move for These 2 Reasons

Sometimes, it's best to forget everything you know and look outside your industry for innovation. By Julian Hayes II Founder, The Art of Fitness & Life

Sometimes, it's best to forget everything you know and look outside your industry for innovation.
By Julian Hayes II Founder, The Art of Fitness & Life

Between McDonald's recently spending $300 million for "decision logic" technology and Spotify steadily making its move to become the Netflix of audio after buying its third podcast company, no matter the industry, you must seek staying up to date on trends in your workplace or risk becoming irrelevant.

While those companies are following this logic and the typical office will have coffee bars or some other type of comfort to make work feel more like home, not all arenas have fully caught on to this yet. One arena, in particular, is warehouses.

Growing up, I would hear about warehouses often because of a handful of family members working in distribution centers. I even did some seasonal work at some distribution centers. When you think of warehouses and distribution centers, you most likely gravitate your thinking to no air conditioning, strenuous work, fast-paced, uncertainty (especially for temporary and part-time workers), and scheduling rigidity.  You don't think of comfort and luxury amenities. However, this is slowly changing.

Due to a tight labor market as reported recently in a Wall Street Journal article, logistics firms, manufacturers and developers are incorporating Silicon Valley-like amenities to attract and retain employees. A few of these amenities across various centers are patios, discounted dining venues, gyms, landscaped walking trails and a beach bocce court among many others.

Warehouses finally coming along to upgrading their experience is teaching you two valuable principles to succeeding long term.

1. Environment must be prioritized.

Maybe it's a millennial thing, maybe it's the national unemployment rate being 3.6 percent,  maybe it's due to more job options, or maybe people are fed up--regardless, the physical environment has never been as important as it is now. Money is important, but your workspace is just as important when it comes to attracting and retaining employees.

U.K. online fashion retailer ASOS designed a 1-million-square-foot distribution center in the Atlanta region with a plethora of amenities focused on various aspects of their employee's life. At the distribution center are skylights for natural light, two full basketball courts, a soccer field, a gym, and a health facility. There's a salad bar along with pizza and grill stations that are partially subsidized by ASOS. If you're want to boost your appearance, there's even a temporary pop-up nail bar and barbershop.

Don't let the sizzle of these amenities lead you to think grandiosity is the only way to go. You can optimize your workforce and the environment by addressing smaller things of scale. You can work on the quality of your snacking options available, spice up your interior designing, and even work on educating your workforce about healthy eating among other things. 

2. Don't forget about your substance.

As humans in general, there's a tendency to focus on the shiny objects and the sizzle. However, it's the fundamentals of life, the substance, that actually moves the needle forward in the most impactful manner.

While warehouses are adding more of these grandiose amenities, there's also a recognition that fundamental factors important to people such as work schedules, wages, ventilation, water filtration, and insurance need addressing.

If you're wondering how to unravel more substance within your company and team, it's easier than you think. Start by asking your team members and learning what things are actually important to them. Next, begin to act on those recommendations. 

Warehouses adding fancy amenities are great, but as they'll quickly find out, optimizing the fundamentals will go a long way in terms of winning long term.

As you look toward the future, seek to marry the creative and grandiose factors with the tried and true fundamentals of everyday work.

Amazon Fires the First Shot.

Amazon to Raise Its Minimum U.S. Wage to $15 an Hour

New level starts Nov. 1, covers more than 250,000 current employees, 100,000 seasonal workers

By Laura Stevens

Updated Oct. 2, 2018 1:44 p.m. ET

Amazon.com Inc. on Tuesday said it was raising the minimum wage it pays all U.S. workers to $15 an hour, a move that comes as the company faced increased criticism about pay and benefits for its warehouse workers.

The new minimum wage will kick in Nov. 1, covering more than 250,000 current employees and 100,000 seasonal holiday employees. The company said it also will start lobbying Congress for an increase in the federal minimum wage, which was set nearly a decade ago and is currently $7.25 an hour.
