How to Get Paid What You're Worth



Want higher job satisfaction, greater productivity, and longer tenure at your job? Negotiate salary, especially when you take a new job.

It’s in your employer’s best interest, as well as yours, to make sure that you’re being paid appropriately for your skills, abilities, and experience. In fact, most hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate, once a job offer is on the table. Fail to do so, and you could cost yourself $1 million in lost earnings over the course of your career.

Of course, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about negotiating salary. To get paid what you’re worth, be prepared. Research salaries in your industry before you ask for more, and increase your chances of getting the salary you deserve.

Tips for Getting Paid What You're Worth

What's the best way to get paid what you're worth? Start by researching salaries, so you know what the typical salary is for someone with your credentials. Then carefully plan and implement a strategy to increase your compensation.

Research Salaries has a "salary wizard" that allows users to enter a job category and match it to a ZIP code or location. The wizard then generates a salary report with wage, bonus, and benefits information.

If relocation is a possibility, spend some time researching what your current or potential salary is worth in the new location. has a "salary calculator" tool where users can enter a salary, then receive a report on how much they will need to earn in a new location. The cost-of-living varies widely from city to city, so, it's important to know the purchasing power of your paycheck.

It's important to note that the employer is paying you for your qualifications and for the job you will do. With that in mind, you will need to be able to support your negotiations with information on what the job is worth at a fair market rate with consideration of your salary history. They aren't going to be willing to pay you more just because you are you!

Be Patient

Now that you are armed with the facts, patience is in order. When you’re interviewing for a new position, it is important not to bring up compensation until the employer makes a job offer. Let the employer make the first move.

If you are asked what your salary requirements are, say that they are flexible, based upon the position and the total compensation package including benefits.

An alternative is to tell the employer you'd like to know more about the job responsibilities prior to discussing salary. You can also give the employer a salary range based upon salary research you've just completed and cite the research you have done.

Keep in mind that there may not be much flexibility. If the employer has a budget or an established salary structure, the best you might get is the top of the range for that particular position. In that case, don't limit yourself to salary alone. If the employer can't afford to pay more, ask about the possibility of salary reviews sooner rather than later, extra vacation, or even a bonus based on performance.

Be Discreet

Never let an employer know you need money. It definitely will not help, and it might make you look desperate. However, always be honest about your past salary history and other job offers that are on the table. Lies have a strange way of coming back to haunt the person who didn't tell the truth. Once you've received the offer, plan on taking some time to think about it.

There is no need to accept or reject it right away. A simple "I need to think it over" may get you an increase in the original offer. One candidate, who had decided that they really didn't want the job after all, said "no" three times only to get three higher offers!

Be aware that this could also have the opposite effect -- the hiring manager could decide that you are asking more than he is willing to pay and accept the "no" response as final. So, it is important to fully know what your bottom line is for each position you apply for. If the salary isn't enough for you to live on, be prepared to pass on the job.

Stay Positive

Regardless of where you are in the negotiating process, remember to remain positive and continue to reiterate your interest in the position. Let the employer know that the only issue is the salary and you are really excited about the job and the company.

Then, if the position does sound like the perfect job, consider whether the company culture, including the benefits and flexibility, as well as the job itself are worth it -- regardless of the salary. If they are, it might just be worth accepting the position and taking a chance that the salary increases will follow!

The Road to Entrepreneurship.

Jayzhia is a business intern.

Jayzhia is a business intern.

Ms. Thompson

I want to thank you for inviting me to the NAWBO business event. I enjoyed Jan Long's story. She was very inspiring and spoke to me as a young person wanting to be an entrepreneur and wanting to run my own business. I learned about the concept of the risk of change vs. the risk of regret.

Many of the women spoke about the pivotal moment in their lives, where they were faced with having to make a decision, if they were going to stay safe and secure at their corporate jobs or if they were going to take that leap of faith into starting their businesses.

The film “Dream, Girl,” got me thinking about whether I would rather stay safe and work for others or if I'd rather be uncomfortable pushing to start a business.  These are real questions I must answer if I’m going reach my dreams and goals. I honestly don't know what my business will be exactly or how I will get there, but I know exactly what I want my life to be. I am willing to put in the work to get the success I want.

NAWBO is a great organization that connects, supports, and celebrates women in business all over the country.

Thank you, Jayzhia

Tiffany Thompson has Joined the Prestigious Women Presidents' Organization.


Tiffany Thompson, President of DaMar Staffing Solutions

New York, NY February 1, 2018—The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO), a peer advisory group for million dollar plus women-led companies, is proud to announce Tiffany Thompson, President of DaMar Staffing as the newest member of the Indianapolis Chapter of the WPO.

“I am very pleased to welcome Miss Thompson to the WPO,” said Marsha Firestone, Ph.D., President and Founder of the WPO “As a peer advisory organization for women business leaders of multi-million dollar companies, WPO membership is highly selective. Tiffany’s membership in the WPO is a testament to her incredible success in business.”

WPO Logo.png
Requirements for membership to the WPO include annual revenue of at least $2 million ($1 million for service-based companies) and an ownership interest in the company. For more information about membership to the WPO, contact Tomi Jane DeTorres, Membership and Chair Coordinator, at

Now is the Time to Make Your Move.

The job market is very competitive. Each individual seeking a new position needs to be prepared to “standout.” Companies looking to hire staff today have set their bar high; experience doesn't guarantee success. It’s a tough job market out there, so follow these four hunting tips to improve your success:

1) Keep your profile information current

2) Do your homework

3) Challenge yourself and the interviewer

4) Ask yourself and the interviewer why?

 Tip No. 1: Keep your profile information current.  You hear repeatedly that it is important to network and be present on social media. But, it does you no good if you don’t have current and correct information available. When was the last time you updated your information? It isn’t good enough to do a resume and put online and leave it there indefinitely. If you move or change jobs, it is vital that you update your information. People don’t realize how many potential job opportunities they’ve missed out on because they weren’t keeping their profiles up to date.

Tip No. 2: Do Your Homework. Do not send out mass resumes.  Select 3-5 companies you would really like to work for and target that group for employment. Gather background information; learn as much as you can about the products/services the company offers. Get the mission statement, how many employees are there, etc.; take a trip to visit each company and tour the offices before you set up an interview. 

Tip No. 3: Challenge yourself and the interviewer.  Be prepared to standout and nail your interview. Most people don’t tell the truth during interviews; the interviewer or the interviewee. People will say whatever they think the other person wants to hear. Each person plays a role during the job interview. That means the interviewer may oversell the job position and the interviewee kisses up to the interviewer. “Pretending and lying” doesn't help anybody; it doesn’t help the company or you. A poor job fit is miserable for everyone. Challenge yourself and the interviewer to “keep it real.”

 Tip No. 4: Ask your interviewer why? When you secure an interview, be prepared to ask great questions. Don’t simply become a talking head, but get involved in a discussion. Ask the interviewer to explain how the hiring process will work. Ask him/her to describe the perfect candidate who would succeed in the role; and why? Inquire how the last person (in that position) handled the job? Listen and offer good and thoughtful answers to the interviewer questions.

 Job seekers today face increased challenges and companies feel that each new hire is critical to its success.  If you follow these tips it will help you stay at the top of your game.

For more information on career opposition, contact Tiffany Thompson, DaMar Staffing at or 317.566.8320.