What is a Talent Audit?


The objective of a talent audit is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your workforce’s skills and capabilities to determine if they have what it takes to drive your business forward. DaMar’s ReThink Internal Talent Audit (RITA) is designed to thoroughly assess your talent pool.

For executive leaders, managing and cultivating talent is the top priority. In times of disruption and uncertainty, the key question is how to prepare for the future and get positioned for success. Strategic workforce planning can offer the solution. Here are three crucial considerations to keep in mind:

  • Impending Restructuring: A talent audit provides fresh insights into your workforce. Gaining a clear understanding of skill gaps or talent disparities simplifies the process of preparing for an impending company restructuring.

  • Build a Talent Pool: The talent audit helps pinpoint the roles essential for your company's future expansion. Enhancing your talent pool accelerates future recruitment, ensures access to high-quality candidates, and lowers your long-term hiring costs.

  • Employee Development: A comprehensive audit reveals areas ripe for improvement, benefiting both your organization and your team. Investing in training and upskilling your team members can yield significant advantages for your business.

Seize the opportunity to act now. Explore the many benefits of strategic workforce planning and delve into the details of the ReThink Internal Talent Audit program in our comprehensive whitepaper
